A Brief Update on Patching

posted by

SWG Restoration

January 10, 2022

January 10, 2022

posted by

SWG Restoration

The Development Team previously announced our goal of bi-weekly patching under the scheme of routine monthly game updates and mid-month patches. As we approach our Publish 1.0 milestone and after a review of the patch calendar, we are making the following adjustments:

Frequency of Game Updates and Patches

We will no longer update on a consistent bi-weekly schedule. With respect to the constraints of being a volunteer project, attempting to adhere to a bi-weekly schedule has forced us to push changes before we're ready and we want to make sure we're only pushing updates once they have been thoroughly tested. Consequently, we're moving to an "update when we're ready" model similar to other servers. In short, there's no longer a specific schedule for updates, but we're still working on them even if you don't see them coming regularly. When an update is ready, we'll try to keep patching to Thursdays.

Frequency of Server Restarts

The server will continue to have planned downtime every Thursday evening. This downtime, unless combined with maintenance, will be a brief shutdown of approximately 15 minutes.

Frequency of Hot Fixes

With 1.0 coming closer, we may increase the frequency of hotfixes, that is, quick restarts with applied changes that aren't necessarily large enough to warrant an update, but allow us to quickly deploy fixes or tweaks that need production-level testing.

Regarding Support for Encountered Bugs

As a reminder, although uncommon, if a bug or error results in the loss of an in-game valuable or another similar issue, please rest assured you can contact Community Support for a refund or replacement (depending on the type of issue). Our logged records are thorough and we are capable of validating the necessity of replacements or refunds in virtually all circumstances.

May The Force Be With You,

The SWG Restoration Development Team