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Nuri & Mortisian
January 31, 2025
Welcome to the Restoration Player City Spotlight where our Retired Community Programs Senator Nuri sits down to talk with the mayor of one of our awesome player cities giving you, our dear readers, the opportunity to learn more about one of the server's great player cities.
In this episode we make our first visit to one of the moons of Corellia with a stop in at Zenco, Talus. Zenco, described as a “City for All” boasts beautiful skylines with a top-notch artisan community. Today we sit down with Mortisian to learn more about one of Talus' hidden gems.
Mortisian, I am happy to have the chance to talk about Zenco, since it’s not often we talk of cities on the less populated planets. Can you tell us a little bit about your city for those who may not have adventured beyond the deserts of Tatooine?
Zenco is a fun, welcoming city located conveniently close to Dearic, Talus. We’re a pretty loose group of folks from different backgrounds, with different experiences with the game, but with a shared love of Star Wars. We’re welcoming of new citizens, knowing that this is a game best enjoyed when played with others, appreciating that we all help each other – but also fully supporting the lone wolves out there who just need a friendly place to call home.
How old is Zenco?
Zenco was founded in June of 2022, with a citizenry that has grown, shifted, contracted, and grown again multiple times since, reflecting the changing population of the Restoration community as a whole. We’ve had a couple of mayors over that time, with Mortisian holding the post since June of 2023.
Choosing a city specialization is often a difficult choice. What did you choose and why?
We are a Research Center, which means using a crafting station in our town gives you a 15% bonus to your final roll during experimentation. That’s huge for our crafters who form the heart of our city.
Have you hosted any events in your city? If so, tell us about them.
Zenco isn’t really about hosting formal events (although we have hosted Cantina Nights in the past) – we’re more about the day-to-day life of this Star Wars Galaxy that we all love so much. Zenco is where we start and end our days when we log in; where we store all of our junk; where we meet up to buff in the cantina before jumping off into something that will likely get us all killed; where we randomly cross paths with an old friend logging in for the first time in months. It’s all of these things, because it’s our home. Sometimes events line up and sometimes they don’t, but we’re always here.
Any unique locations in your city that make it special? How about any famous residents?
We’re physically in a great spot, just outside of Dearic on Talus. Being outside of Dearic is convenient, but it’s also really kind of beautiful, too; we love our purple skies and sunsets, and the fishing in the rivers that edge our town can really help you relax after a long day of hunting bounties, dancing in the Rusty Rancor, or running missions. We also feature the famous Sandcrawler of Talus, varied and unique player housing (including an AT-AT & Vigo!), and multiple fast-travel ITV hubs.
As far as famous citizens go: without name-dropping, we do host the server’s premier weaponsmith (putting our Research specialization to work!), as well as multiple Player Choice winners across several categories, and a senator or former senator or two. We also have several citizens that very explicitly do not want to be named here, and we’ll leave it at that.
Thanks for sitting down with us, Mortisian. We hope you have many years of continued success on Talus.
Be sure and check out Zenco the next time you find yourself looking for a place to visit that’s just a little bit off the beaten path.
The Technical Details:
City Name: Zenco
Planet: Talus
Waypoint Info: /wp talus -396 -2180
Faction Affiliation: Neutral
Guild Affiliation: Zen
Mayor: Mortisian
Contact: Mortisian
May the Force be With You
-SWG Restoration Staff