Player City Spotlight: Kyrimorut

April 25, 2024

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on behalf of

Nuri & Stryyk

posted by


on behalf of

Nuri & Stryyk

April 25, 2024

Restoration Player City Spotlight: Kyrimorut

Welcome to the Restoration Player City Spotlight where our (Retired) Community Programs Senator Nuri sits down to talk with the mayor of one of our awesome player cities giving you, our dear readers, the opportunity to learn more about one of the server's great player cities.

History Lesson:

Tell us of the history of your city, including the founding and any other interesting stories.

Founded in (real world) Aug of '22 as a crafters paradise for all professions and artisans to ply their wares, promising an open market and entrepreneurial spirit, "Arakyd Industries" slowly evolved over the years into its current iteration of Kyrimorut, a bastion and safe haven for displaced galactic citizens, with a focus on discarded and forgotten clones from the remnants of the Clone Wars. In its new iteration, it has become a symbol for the Mandalorian culture, that of the Cuy'val Dar, and all who support the ethos that all free peoples deserve to live with honor and dignity. Though technically neutral in the current galactic climate, many in Kyrimorut are bitter about how their clone commandos were treated and discarded, following the results of "Order 66" at the end of the Clone Wars.

Why did you choose this location?

Known for its barren deserts and general "live and let live" ethos, the Outer Rim planet of Lok was a perfect location to establish a free-market "interference free" city, with the flat terrain ideal for a sprawling LvL 5 metro. As the southernmost city on Lok, many travelers need to use our facilities to quickly get to the resource rich southern areas of the planet, from King Gurk spawns to the Imperial Outpost, or to simply chase a particularly crafty bounty hiding in the south of the region.

What city specialization did you choose and why?

As our neutral safe haven was founded as a crafting focused outpost, we have continued with that tradition as many of our citizens continue to provide some of the galaxy's best wares, from top foods and cuisines, shipwrighting services, and high end tactical weapons and armors. You will continue to find vendors for all that and more within the confines of our city.

Geography Lesson:

Hero's Row

One of many architectural wonders of the city, the east entrance to the city (known as Hero's Row), contains statues dedicated to our members that have shown extreme dedication to the cause, and/or defined by a heroic action in the course of their duties. Lined by victory bunkers to symbolize the might of the culture, it projects a powerful first impression to those seeking to do us harm.

The Lucky Stryyk

Modeled after the seedy gambling underbelly of many Nar Shaddaa casinos, "The Lucky Stryyk" brings that concept to Lok and appeals to those looking for a little wealth...and possibly more than a little trouble. One of Nym's own favorite frequented locations, this casino is floor to ceiling decked out in some of the galaxy's most valuable items, with 1200/1200 on display, with custom table games and slots, sabaac dealers, dueling dice tables, hintaro, axe throwing skill contests, nunaball and pod-race betting, and other forms of "entertainment" available 24/7. Speak to Szyslak for illicit, potentially lucrative deals, but watch out for Dalton and Wade, two of the sectors' most famously aggressive casino bouncers.

Arca Barracks Omega

Temporarily housing any wayward clones or peoples in need, the barracks serves as a base of operations to get them back on their feet, so they can return to a life of duty and dignity. A starship landing and cargo port, communications center, medical center, martial training room, and full armory are just a small sample of the amenities located within. The crown jewel is the fully equipped Mandalorian forge, recreated in painstaking detail from the blueprints of the great forges found on Mandalore. Jango Fett's throne sits empty, as tribute to the one that brought us together.


Though few in numbers but fierce in determination and pride, the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers who were displaced from their home world of Dathomir after the Clone Wars have found a sanctuary within our borders. Preferring to adhere to their own culture and architectural style, they live on the outskirts on the northwestern border of the city. They live together as equals, with the Nightbrothers no longer subservient to their more powerful witch counterparts, and though different from the Mandalorians in almost every way, these Dathomirian outcasts fit right in with our wayward bunch.

May the Force be With You

-SWG Restoration Staff